(for the most risk sensitive investor, with max monthly drawdown limited at 3 % and peak to trough max dd set at 6 % at all times).
Having begun automatic executions since Q3 2014 through an American brokerage house, we have removed all past performance data from our website in compliance with US based regulations. For realized returns and statistics, please feel free to get in touch with us either at info@feroxadvisors.com or through our contact page.
All of our trades, both automatic and discretionary, are distributed evenly Pro Rata between our managed sub accounts with identical risk profile tranches, so results are equivalent for all similar risk profiles differing only in fee structure proportionate to account size . Feel free to use the contact form for official trade statements and audits.
Our track record consists of the following activites:
1) Discretionary Positional Options Trading (US & European Indices, Select Commodites, FX Pairs & Fixed Income Derivatives)
2) Intraday Automated Trading (Index Futures, Select Commodities Futures, FX Pairs and a few single stocks)
3) Crypto Currency Trading (Exchange Traded, some OTC deals, Initial Offerings and Decentralized Trading)
Starting September 2015, we are delighted to present to you the first fully automated trading strategy created by Ferox Advisors: Alaz (named after the Sage of Fire in the ancient Turkish language, and later finalized as Alaz 7 after 2016) and we are now operating it on 40 instruments as of Jan 01, 2016. We have confidently expanded the number of instruments from 25 to 40 after a stellar first month performance by Alaz automated strategy version 3 which went live on Dec. 2014, and we will soon increase the product range of the consolidated pilot portfolio to a minimum of 100. Contact us to receive an in depth analysis and for any questions you may have regarding our automated trading accounts.